Monday, August 04, 2008


The TOPS A.L.R.T. Knife... "Anywhere Last Resort Tool."

Interesting knife, just observed it over on Stickfighter Joe's Blog which you can find here:

Don't own one so I can't review it, but the word coming in is it is a goody.

Here is a review of it on EDC Forums:;prev_next=next


The last cause said...

Reminds me of some of Fred Perrin's designs a bit donr.

Don R. said...


Yeah, Terry Trahan from over at weaselcraft said the same thing to me on the phone today, that it reminded him of Fred's Street Surgeon.

Blackthorn D. Stick said...

Essentialy, it's a kirdashi, a japanese woodworking knife. Albeit with a really short handle. Cold Steel offered one with a wooden handle and sheath way back when in the early 90s'. You know, back in the days when they were doing truly novel and innovative things with their designs.
The more I use mine now, the more I like it. No, it's not really "tacti-kewl", but for everyday, rela-world tasks, it's
great. I carry in the included kydex sheath, using the the mini-biner clip attachec to one of my belt-loops. I put a small lanyaed on it, and it's easy to access any time I need it.

Don R. said...


I agree and remember that CS knife.