Thursday, August 18, 2011

Yeah...why not...

Maybe I should start writing on this blog every day or every other day...and actually do it. I'm so sick of all the rest of the shit going on in the world, might as well write about music and some related shit. Do something I am really good at - being a smartass.

"Well now you're here, there's no way back..."

It must be a sign of the coming Apocalypse. There is going to be a movie about Quiet Riot. Aaaahhhhhh...The Summer of 1983. Holy shit, in some ways it seems like yesterday and in eternity...or like someone told me a story about it and I never lived it.

I remember in October 1983, seeing Iron Maiden at The Baltimore Civic Center - with special guest - Quiet Riot. What a blast that was. I had the Metal Health album signed in the Summer of '83 at a record store, too. Yeah, FUCKING VINYL, an ALBUM. I'm OLD. 8-)